Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First stop: San Fran, Baby.

We made it! 40 hours in total travel we finally made it to San Francisco. To think this is only the first leg of our destination.. We have already seen so much and met so many people. I don't think I could sum it all up in one update, i'll give it my best shot.

One of the best things about this city is most definitely the people. From the homeless to the fortunate, it seems just about everyone we have come across so far has impacted us in a big way. Left right and centre there are insanely interesting things going on - people fighting, dancing, singing, swapping tales, overdosing, tripping out. Smiles and laughter galore.

I've never been to a place before where so many people are so eager to interact with each other. It's a special place, in all the wrong ways. Certainly a backwards city, I already know this is going to be one of my favourite places I will travel to on this adventure.

The other best thing about this city is the history, and coupled with an intriguing history comes a shit load of ripping vintage clothes. So alas, Ness and I have found our little slice of Thrift Store Heaven. And god it tastes good.

Seeming we've spent more money than we really should have, we've tried to keep partying to a minimum. (Ha, yeah right). Backpacking is wildly beautiful lifestyle. Every day we have hung with new people, made new friends, and learnt so many things about this wonderful world. Drinking games tend to occupy a lot of our time, 40oz's being the main fuel source.

One of the funniest stories so far is what happened last night. We'd overheard some lesbians on the bus talking about 50c drinks at 80's themed night at a gay bar. Passing up such an opportunity would be a dreadful crime, so we tricked the whole hostel into coming along, accidentally on purpose forgetting to let them all know it was a gay bar. Tee hee hee.

Unfortunately 50c drinks also translates in Gaynese to a horrible hangover. We ended up going to Golden Gate Park for a picnic + frisbee with our new Danish friends, Simon and Leonard. Simon would have to be the most quirky, eccentric, fun-filled guy I have ever met. Never short of a random game or a laugh, or something hilarious to say, he lives on a different level to anyone I have ever before met. Everyone should have a little bit of Simon in them, the world would be a much simpler place.

Off to LA tomorrow, Coachella is oh-so close... More updates to come!


1 comment:

  1. All pretty girls can have a little bit of Simon put in them. No charge. hehe....

    Come to Copenhagen and I'll show you some insane greatness!

    Good luck with Coachella! Don't go watching to many funny colors! :)
