Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mexico City

This place is a whole new world. Streets are busier, buildings form different shapes with more vibrant colours, and most importantly - and at long last - we soak up the golden suns' rays, almost overdosing on it in fear that it might fizzle up in any second and leave us in complete darkness.. Quite a step up from America's cold windy miserable weather I must say.

On arrival we head straight out to the colourful Sunday markets that line the busy streets of Mexico. And finally, we are surrounded by so much good food! It's quite an overwhelming feeling, wanting to eat everything this great city has to offer at lunchtime alone.

We made friends with a local Mexican guy, Marco, who was overly helpful and insightful. He pretty much acted as our tour guide for the days we spent in Mexico City. On our second day he took us to Xochimilco, which is a series of extended canals, and is all that remains of the ancient Lake Xochimilco.

Above are some of the boats, or trajineras, that we set sail down the canal aboard .. beer in hand of course. It was such a tranquil, mesmerising experience. A boat full of Mariachi's (Mexicana Singers) was joined to ours, and for a small price of $60 pesos a song, we were serenaded down the river, by beautiful traditional Mexican melodies, unable to wipe the smiles from our faces.

One of the most interesting things about Mexico is that an ancient prophecy predicted that the buildings of Mexico would all sink into the ground, and the temples and other ruins would all rise, and be resurrected. The amount of earthquakes Mexico encounter have led this propecy to come true! Mexico is sinking, and already many temples have been resurrected in their place. Even thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

The rest of our time was spent adventuring around this glorious city. We explored the Teotihuacan Pyramids, and even managed to climb to the top of the Sun pyramid - extremely out of breath by the time we reached the top, however. Firey lungs aside, it was such a beautiful thing to be able to sit on top of the pyramid in the cool breeze, regaining our breath while we admired the ancient ruins that surrounded us.

Much to our disappointment, our hostel, 'Hotel Moneda' lacked a certain spark that a hostel should have, and our cold ridden bodies were yearning for the ocean. So after what seemed a short four days in Mexico City, we were destined for Puerto Escondido - after a hellish 17hr bus ride of course.

Our view on the bus for 17 hours... sick.

The adventures held in Puerto Escondido so far have easily been my favourite to date. I can't wait to tell you all about it... But right now the beach is calling my name.

x x

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